Thursday 10 October 2013

Working title

Is E-media the strongest platform for young talent to get discovered in society nowadays compared to those who were discovered in public 25- 30 years ago? 


How has society changed via the technology and equipment we use to access/listening to music through social networking sites compared to those Music artist in the past whose work and talent were discovered in public. Means that more talents/more people are being discovered on these sites, as they place their work/music and share it with the world to watch and listens. 


My hypothesis is that many people place their music and work on many different social networking sites, as they are such a mass audience with million of people using it every day. As many people do covers of songs from mainstream music artist, as these songs they make are very popular, as million people will know the song. The music will normally be Hip-Hop, Pop and R&B as these is the only music that sells as this has the biggest audience.

Linked production piece

The idea I have for a linked production piece is based on a music video however it’s not a normal music video. The basic concept of my linked production piece will be a sort of behind the scenes of the album/music video. It will show the artist making the video along with bantering and doing random things in preparation and the making of the video and album in the studio. It links in with my Critical Investigation due to the fact that it’s based on music and young talents are being discovered and bought up into the music industries. as it also shown as a Documentaries looking at how young talents are being discovered and bought up into the music industries, also television programs and movies reinforcing the issues/point as well. 




Justin bieber is signed to island Def. jam after his manager and known singer/songwriter discovered his on social networking sites like YouTube and Facebook, As many different artist, with many different from many different genre of music, as they have over hundreds of artist signed to this label, as Def. Jam has been around the music industries for over 20 years. As they have had well known global stars signed to their label like Rihanna, Kanye West, Jay Z and Ne-Yo.  


As the audience want to follow those who are famous through the media on these social networking sites, the reason why is because some of the artist were discovered onto these social networking sites, which would means the audience will follow those artist, because it’s a realist things that a normal person has broken through to the music industries . 



How has society changed over the years.
How has technological changed to way we accuses the internet to watch and listen music.
How easy is it to places anything onto these social networking sites. 


How different it is to get discovered into the music industries.
How many artists are discovered through social networking sites compared to the old days in the past, as more people are booing discovered compared to only a few people are were discovered.  


Music label owners want the next new thing in society. 
Producers and writers want a unique and talented artist nowadays.
More Artist want to work with new people in the music industries


The issues that will relate to my question is the use of Media technology and the digital revolution – changing technologies in the 21st century and The effect of globalisation on the media, as these have such a big impact on society, on how technological has changed the world, how global the world can connect with the music around the world. It allows the audience to access and discovers many famous people and their song on-line. 


  • Marxism and hegemony
  • Audience theories
  • Genre theories
  • Contemporary Media Landscape
  • User and Gratification
  • Hypodermic needle  
  • Explain how your study fits into this.
As the media want to injection all the information to the audience like injection the audience with the methods that how people get discovered onto these social networking sites and how it easy to do this. How the media show how different there music/songs/videos are different from before from now.   

Research plan (media texts, academic texts and websites)

Media texts

What your main focus will be, E.g.:
Jay Z - Magna Carta  Adverts on-line 
Justin Bieber - Never Say Never 

Other media texts

Media Magazine 2010 -  the change in the music industries has changed in the last 25 years 2010- 1985
X Factors -2003 - .....
One Direction 

Jay Z - Magna Carta - Samsung

BBC Four  - as they have many programmes discussing how society has changed in the music industries. 

TV documentaries

Justin Bieber - Never Say Never, How he got discovered through these social networking sites 

Academic texts/books

(a minimum of five, including author/full title/year, e.g.:)
Barrie Gunter: The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked (1998)
James Newman: Playing with videogames (2008)
Nancy Signorielli: Violence in the media: a reference handbook (2005)
Peter Vorderer, and Bryant Jennings: Playing video games: motives, responses, and consequences (2006)

Internet Links

The Internet has changed the ways in which we discover new talent in our society. In the past, young actors or singers found fame the old fashioned way; by moving to Hollywood, going to auditions, and praying they’d be "discovered." These days, fame could be just a few clicks away, as evidenced by the following five superstars who all got their start on YouTube, blogs, and through viral word of mouth. No, we’re not talking about "internet famous" people either, like Rebecca Black we’re talking about legitimate, lasting fame that came as a direct result of being on the Internet.

This teen pop star is one of the best-known talents of YouTube. His now-manager, Scooter Braun, first stumbled upon his videos in 2007, leading to meetings with singers Usher and Justin Timberlake. Justin was so sought after by both artists that negotiations took nearly a year, ending with him to finally signing with Usher.

Sean was discovered through his popular MySpace page and signed to Beluga Heights Records in 2007. He immediately found success with his first single “Beautiful Girls” in May 2007.

You’d think that having musical roots would help, but not in Lily Allen’s case! However, she eventually used father Keith Allen’s connections to get signed to Regal Recordings. Unfortunately, the label didn’t have much interest in her work and gave her little support. Lily used MySpace to promote herself and find a following. To date, her songs have been downloaded from MySpace over 19 million times.

Use last year's archive of previous top-grade Critical Investigations to help you.

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