Critical investigation learner response
Type up your level and comments from your first draft.
- Level 1 +
- WWW – Most of the pieces are here for the essay but your writing needs serious
- EBI – Your written English is a real problem: have you read this essay back before submitting it? Much of it doesn't make sense
- No real focus or your question
- No Bibliography and only 8 references: No Where near enough
- A lot of work required to get this up to target great standard
Write what level/grade you are aiming for in your second draft
· I am aiming to get a low level 3 for the second draft
Write a numbered list of five things you will do or change for your second draft that will help you get there. Be specific and explain in details.
I need to write in the correct grammar;
I need to make sure that I read over my work before submitting it to the
I need to use good references and
good quotes, in order to produce good work for the second draft
I need to do the bibliography correctly;
I need to use the quotes correctly in order to do the work correctly
I I need to find the best and information and find good
quotes, in order to produce and improve my second draft.
Write a minimum three-point 'wish list' for the BFI Library trip - what do you specifically want to take away from the BFI in terms of issues, theories or particular sections of your essay?
I would like to research and find the knowledge of how new technology
has helped society and how it has music artists to break into the music industry
How has the 21st century changed the technology and
equipment in order of music artist being discovered in the music industry, I need
more evidence and more references to back up this point.
Information on Piracy and records sales in the 21st
century compared to those who bought music in the 20th century - comparing the difference between them both,
how effective has it been over the last 20- 30 years in the music industry.